Connecting from Tableau Desktop

The instructions on this page are based on Tableau Desktop Professional Edition 2020.3.6.

Supported Tableau Desktop Versions

The Windows version of Tableau Desktop Professional Edition is required to connect to Open Data Blend Analytics.

We recommend using Tableau Desktop Professional Edition 2020.3.6 or later for the best experience.

Installing the Analysis Services Client Libraries

We recommend installing the latest version of the Analysis Services OLE DB Provider (MSOLAP). This is available here.

Connecting to the Open Data Blend Analytics Server

In the Connect pane under the 'To a Server' section, click 'Microsoft Analysis Services'.

You will be prompted for the connection details.

Enter the following details then click 'Sign In':

Server: link://

Username: Enter a blank space.

Password: Enter a blank space.

Instead of 'link://' for the server, you can also use 'powerbi:// Data Blend Analytics'

You will be prompted to sign into your account. Use your Analytics User details and follow the additional prompts to complete the login.

On the data source page, select 'Open Data Blend Analytics' for the database and 'Model' for the cube. Then click 'Sheet 1'.

If you want to work with only a subset of the model, you can choose one of the other cube names. For example, if you want to focus on analysing the prescribing data you would choose 'Prescribing'.

Now you can analyse the data.

This is what the Open Data Blend Analytics experience looks like in Tableau Desktop.

Using Tableau Desktop for Data Analysis

Guidance on how to analyse data in Tableau Desktop is beyond the scope of this documentation.

You may find the following helpful:

Open Data Blend Starter Files

We have created a set of Open Data Blend Starters which are files with a pre-configured connection to Open Data Blend Analytics. You can find the starter for Tableau Desktop here.

Last updated