Terminology such as 'Packages' and 'Resources' is inherited from the Frictionless Data specifications. You can loosely translate these terms as referring to dataset and data file metadata, respectively.
You can translate 'Package' as meaning 'Dataset' and 'Resource' as meaning 'Data File'. An exception to this is that in the Open Data Blend Catalogue metadata, 'Package' refers to the 'Catalogue' and 'Resource' refers to a 'Dataset'.
High Availability
If you have an Analytics Plan subscription, your usage of the Open Data Blend Dataset API is covered by a service-level agreement (SLA) that includes a 99.5% up-time guarantee. You can check the Status Page for current and historic up-time statuses at any time.
Fair Usage
We regularly monitor usage and take reasonable actions to ensure that the Open Data Blend Dataset API service is used fairly and sustainably. We only impose hard limits on data file endpoints (see the Usage Limits section below).
Usage Limits
A data file can be downloaded without providing an access key. All requests without an access key are limited to 15 requests per month. Requests that exceed this limit will receive a HTTP 401 ('Unauthorized') response.
We always aim to strike a careful balance between openness, in terms of accessibility, and the on-going sustainability of the service. Many of our data files can be quite large. Imposing the 15 request per month limit on free downloads helps to keep the associated bandwidth and compute costs at a sustainable level.
There is no limit to the number of requests that can be made with a valid access key. All requests above the number included in your subscription will incur an additional cost. The cost per additional data file request can be found on the pricing page.
Preview CSV data files do not count towards the limit.
Rate Limits
All data file requests are limited to 30 requests per minute. Exceeding this limit will result in a HTTP 429 ('Too Many Requests') response being returned for up to an hour.
API Reference
The Open Data Blend Dataset API is simple and has three types of requests:
Data File
All responses are in JSON with the following exceptions:
Requests for data files: the backend response is a data file.
Requests that result in a pass-through error: the backend response is presented verbatim which could be in XML, for example.
Each request type is described in this section with examples, where applicable.
Request Methods
Unless specified otherwise, requests should be made using the HTTP GET method.
The Catalogue endpoint returns a set of metadata for the published Open Data Blend Datasets. The request can be made using any of three endpoints.
Non-versioned Endpoint
The non-versioned endpoint is provided for convenience and will always point to the latest versioned endpoint of the Open Data Blend Dataset API. We recommend that you use the standard or Frictionless Data Specification endpoint for any production use. This will ensure that your code is not repointed to a new versioned endpoint if one is introduced in the future.
Standard Endpoint (Recommended)
Frictionless Data Specification Endpoint (Recommended)
All variants of the Open Data Blend Catalogue endpoint will return the same JSON response.
{"profile": "data-package-catalog","name": "open-data-blend-catalogue","title": "Open Data Blend Catalogue","description": "A catalogue of the released Open Data Blend Packages","terms_of_service": "https://www.opendatablend.io/terms","updated": "2020-11-18T15:45:31Z","contributors": [ {"title":"Open Data Blend Team (Nimble Learn Ltd)","path":"https://www.opendatablend.io","role":"author" } ],"resources": [ {"name":"open-data-blend-anonymised-mot","path":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/v1/open-data-blend-anonymised-mot/datapackage.json","title":"Anonymised MOT","description":"MOT tests and results since the MOT system was computerised in 2005","updated":"2020-10-19T08:17:52Z","is_beta":true,"format":"json","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/automotive.svg","theme": {"name":"automotive","title":"Automotive","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/automotive.svg" },"blend_classes": [ {"name":"class-1","title":"Class I","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/class-1.svg","description":"Carefully structured and optimised for data analytics" }, {"name":"class-2","title":"Class II","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/class-2.svg","description":"Cleansed and enriched using domain knowledge" }, {"name":"class-3","title":"Class III","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/class-3.svg","description":"Supports drilling across with one or more other blends" } ],"resource_group_count":37,"resource_count":148 }, {"name":"open-data-blend-date","path":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/v1/open-data-blend-date/datapackage.json","title":"Date","description":"A collection of sequential dates with several levels of roll-up","updated":"2020-10-19T08:17:52Z","is_beta":false,"format":"json","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/temporal.svg","theme": {"name":"temporal","title":"Temporal","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/temporal.svg" },"blend_classes": [ {"name":"class-1","title":"Class I","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/class-1.svg","description":"Carefully structured and optimised for data analytics" }, {"name":"class-3","title":"Class III","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/class-3.svg","description":"Supports drilling across with one or more other blends" } ],"resource_group_count":1,"resource_count":4 } ]}
Metadata Definitions
Open Data Blend Catalogue metadata is split into two main parts:
Package Properties: The collection of properties at the root level that describe the catalogue.
Resource Properties: The collection of properties within the 'resources' property that describe the published datasets.
Package Properties
Resource Properties
The Dataset endpoint returns the complete set of metadata for an Open Data Blend Dataset. The request can be made using any of two endpoints. In both endpoint variants, name is the name of the dataset in slug form e.g. 'open-data-blend-date'.
The below response example has been abbreviated for clarity.
{"profile": "data-package","name": "open-data-blend-date","title": "Date","description": "A collection of sequential dates with several levels of roll-up","is_beta": false,"terms_of_service": "https://www.opendatablend.io/terms","contributors": [ {"title":"Open Data Blend Team (Nimble Learn Ltd)","path":"https://www.opendatablend.io","role":"author" } ],"theme": {"name":"temporal","title":"Temporal","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/temporal.svg" },"homepage": "https://www.opendatablend.io/package/?name=open-data-blend-date","image": "https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/temporal.svg","updated": "2021-02-12T23:56:39Z","path": "https://packages.opendatablend.io/v1/open-data-blend-date/datapackage.json","snapshot_path": "https://packages.opendatablend.io/v1/open-data-blend-date/20210212T235639Z/datapackage.json","keywords": ["Time Intelligence","Trend Analysis" ],"blend_classes": [ {"name":"class-1","title":"Class I","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/class-1.svg","description":"Carefully structured and optimised for data analytics" }, {"name":"class-3","title":"Class III","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/class-3.svg","description":"Supports drilling across with one or more other blends" } ],"resources": [ {"group_name":"date","group_title":"Date", "group_description": "Collection of sequential dates starting from the 1800s and running well into the future, with several levels of roll-up",
"group_row_count":80720,"is_preview":true,"name":"date-csv","path":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/data/dimension/date/20201018T195237Z/date_preview.csv","title":"Date (.csv)", "description": "Collection of sequential dates starting from the 1800s and running well into the future, with several levels of roll-up",
"format":"csv","licenses": [ {"name":"ODbL-1.0","title":"Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0","path":"https://www.opendatablend.io/open-database-licence" } ],"profile":"data-resource","row_count":100,"updated":"2020-10-18T19:52:37Z","schema": {"fields": [ {"name":"nll_licence_code","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Licence Code","description":"Open Definition licence ID (http://licenses.opendefinition.org/)." }, {"name":"nll_licence_name","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Licence Name","description":"Open Definition Licence name." }, {"name":"nll_licence_url","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Licence URL","description":"URL where the licence details can be found." }, {"name":"drv_date_key","type":"integer","format":"default","title":"Date Key","description":"Primary key." }, {"name":"drv_date","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Date","description":"Date in ISO format yyyy-mm-dd. The value is always a valid date." },... ] } }, {"group_name":"date","group_title":"Date", "group_description": "Collection of sequential dates starting from the 1800s and running well into the future, with several levels of roll-up",
"group_row_count":80720,"is_preview":false,"name":"date-csv-gz","path":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/data/dimension/date/20201018T195237Z/date.csv.gz","title":"Date (.csv.gz)", "description": "Collection of sequential dates starting from the 1800s and running well into the future, with several levels of roll-up",
"format":"csv","compression":"gz","licenses": [ {"name":"ODbL-1.0","title":"Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0","path":"https://www.opendatablend.io/open-database-licence" } ],"profile":"data-resource","row_count":80720,"updated":"2020-10-18T19:52:37Z","schema": {"fields": [ {"name":"nll_licence_code","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Licence Code","description":"Open Definition licence ID (http://licenses.opendefinition.org/)." }, {"name":"nll_licence_name","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Licence Name","description":"Open Definition Licence name." }, {"name":"nll_licence_url","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Licence URL","description":"URL where the licence details can be found." }, {"name":"drv_date_key","type":"integer","format":"default","title":"Date Key","description":"Primary key." }, {"name":"drv_date","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Date","description":"Date in ISO format yyyy-mm-dd. The value is always a valid date." },... ] } }, {"group_name":"date","group_title":"Date", "group_description": "Collection of sequential dates starting from the 1800s and running well into the future, with several levels of roll-up",
"group_row_count":80720,"is_preview":false,"name":"date-orc","path":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/data/dimension/date/20201018T195237Z/date.orc","title":"Date (.orc)", "description": "Collection of sequential dates starting from the 1800s and running well into the future, with several levels of roll-up",
"format":"orc","licenses": [ {"name":"ODbL-1.0","title":"Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0","path":"https://www.opendatablend.io/open-database-licence" } ],"profile":"data-resource","row_count":80720,"updated":"2020-10-18T19:52:37Z","schema": {"fields": [ {"name":"nll_licence_code","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Licence Code","description":"Open Definition licence ID (http://licenses.opendefinition.org/)." }, {"name":"nll_licence_name","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Licence Name","description":"Open Definition Licence name." }, {"name":"nll_licence_url","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Licence URL","description":"URL where the licence details can be found." }, {"name":"drv_date_key","type":"integer","format":"default","title":"Date Key","description":"Primary key." }, {"name":"drv_date","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Date","description":"Date in ISO format yyyy-mm-dd. The value is always a valid date." },... ] } }, {"group_name":"date","group_title":"Date", "group_description": "Collection of sequential dates starting from the 1800s and running well into the future, with several levels of roll-up",
"group_row_count":80720,"is_preview":false,"name":"date-parquet","path":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/data/dimension/date/20201018T195237Z/date.parquet","title":"Date (.parquet)", "description": "Collection of sequential dates starting from the 1800s and running well into the future, with several levels of roll-up",
"format":"parquet","licenses": [ {"name":"ODbL-1.0","title":"Open Data Commons Open Database License 1.0","path":"https://www.opendatablend.io/open-database-licence" } ],"profile":"data-resource","row_count":80720,"updated":"2020-10-18T19:52:37Z","schema": {"fields": [ {"name":"nll_licence_code","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Licence Code","description":"Open Definition licence ID (http://licenses.opendefinition.org/)." }, {"name":"nll_licence_name","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Licence Name","description":"Open Definition Licence name." }, {"name":"nll_licence_url","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Licence URL","description":"URL where the licence details can be found." }, {"name":"drv_date_key","type":"integer","format":"default","title":"Date Key","description":"Primary key." }, {"name":"drv_date","type":"string","format":"default","title":"Date","description":"Date in ISO format yyyy-mm-dd. The value is always a valid date." },... ] } } ],"sources": [ {"name":"open-data-blend","title":"Open Data Blend","path":"https://www.opendatablend.io/about-us" } ],"reuse_ideas": ["Time Intelligence","Trend Analysis" ],"showcases": [ {"name":"placeholder-showcase-1","title":"Placeholder Showcase 1","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/showcase-placeholder.jpg","description":"Placeholder showcase 1 caption." }, {"name":"placeholder-showcase-2","title":"Placeholder Showcase 2","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/showcase-placeholder.jpg","description":"Placeholder showcase 2 caption." }, {"name":"placeholder-showcase-3","title":"Placeholder Showcase 3","image":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/image/showcase-placeholder.jpg","description":"Placeholder showcase 3 caption." } ],"useful_resources": [ {"name":"open-data-blend-feedback","title":"Open Data Blend Feedback","path":"https://github.com/opendatablend/feedback", "description": "Report data quality issues, provide feedback, share domain knowledge, and suggest new datasets."
}, {"name":"open-data-blend-help-centre","title":"Open Data Blend Help Centre","path":"https://www.opendatablend.io/help-centre", "description": "Covers topics/questions relating to Open Data Blend including etiquette, licensing, and tooling."
} ],"related_packages": [ {"name":"open-data-blend-age","title":"Open Data Blend Age","homepage":"https://www.opendatablend.io/dataset?name=open-data-blend-age","path":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/v1/open-data-blend-age/datapackage.json" }, {"name":"open-data-blend-mileage","title":"Open Data Blend Mileage","homepage":"https://www.opendatablend.io/dataset?name=open-data-blend-mileage","path":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/v1/open-data-blend-mileage/datapackage.json" }, {"name":"open-data-blend-time-of-day","title":"Open Data Blend Time of Day","homepage":"https://www.opendatablend.io/dataset?name=open-data-blend-time-of-day","path":"https://packages.opendatablend.io/v1/open-data-blend-time-of-day/datapackage.json" } ]}
Metadata Definitions
Open Data Blend Dataset metadata is split into two main parts:
Package Properties: The collection of properties at the root level that describe the dataset.
Resource Properties: The collection of properties within the 'resources' property that describe the data files.
Package Properties
Resource Properties
Data File
The Data File endpoint is the bulk data API and returns the requested data file. Both public (i.e. unauthenticated) and authenticated requests can be made through the same endpoint.
Name of the Data Package profile. The value will always be 'data-package-catalog' which indicates that it is compatible with the Frictionless Data pattern for Data Package Catalogues.
Name of the catalogue in slug form
Name of the catalogue in title case
Brief description of the catalogue
URL of the Open Data Blend terms of service
Last date that the catalogue was updated
Details of the catalogue contributors
List of published datasets and their properties. See the ‘Resource Properties’ section below for resource object definitions.
Name of the dataset in slug form
URL of the dataset metadata
Name of the Dataset in title case
Brief description of the dataset
Last date that the dataset was updated
Beta status of the dataset. true means in beta and false means stable
File format of dataset metadata. This is always .json.
URL of the dataset icon
Theme of the dataset which is used to group like themed datasets together
Blend Class of the dataset. Indicates the maturity of the dataset in terms of refinement.
Number of data file groups. Indicates the number of logical tables.
Number of data files.
Name of the Data Package profile. The value will always be 'data-package' which indicates that it is compatible with the Frictionless Data specification for Data Packages.
Name of the dataset in slug form
Name of the dataset in title case
Brief description of the catalogue
Beta status of the dataset. true means in beta and false means stable
URL of the Open Data Blend terms of service
Details of the catalogue contributors
Theme of the dataset which is used to group like themed datasets together.
URL for the dataset homepage
URL for the dataset icon
Last date that the dataset was updated
Location of the dataset metadata
Location of the specific version of the dataset metadata
Keywords that describe the dataset
Blend Class of the dataset. Indicates the maturity of the dataset in terms of refinement.
List of data files in the dataset. See the ‘Resource Properties’ section below for resource object definitions.
The data sources and information sources that were used to create the dataset
Use cases for the dataset
List of showcases that demonstrate how the dataset could be used
List of useful resources such as relationship diagrams and data source documentation
List of related or relevant datasets
Name of the logical group of data files. Except for preview data files, all data files with the same group name have the same table schema and contain the same data.
Name of the data file group in title-case
Description for the data file group
Row count of eachh data file in the data file group. Except for preview data files, all data files in the same group will have matching row counts.
Indicates whether the data file has a top 100 row preview or all of the rows. true means the data file is a preview and false means the data file has all the rows.
Name of the dataset in slug form
URL of the dataset metadata
Name of the Dataset in title case
Brief description of the dataset
File format of the data file. This will be either .csv, .csv.gz, .orc, or .parquet.
Details of the licences that the data file has been licensed with
Name of the Data Resource profile. The value will always be 'data-resource' which indicates that it is compatible with the Frictionless Data specification for Data Resources.
Number of rows in the data file excluding headers
Last date that the dataset was updated
Definition of the data file schema. The definition conforms to the Table Schema specification.